Monday, June 28, 2010

Family Help!

I have titled my blog Elementary Survival. It would be really inappropriate if I didn't give a lot of credit to my wife and family for their help with this craft of teaching. When I was first hired in Kane County, Jenna and I were engaged. It was the perfect time for her to back out! When she heard that my first job would be in Orderville, Utah... she cried. Literally. How grateful I am she stayed with me. During our first year, Mr. Blodgett (the principal at Valley Elementary, and a really good friend) made sure we had enough work to do. I was doing half-time teaching and half-time aiding. Jenna was also able to be an aid. It worked out really nicely.
We had our first baby, Dallin in April of that school year. Jenna hasn't been able to work too much after that, but she is still supportive, picking up odd jobs here and there. This has continued throughout our marriage and my career as a teacher. Every year, she has done whatever she could to help me out in the classroom. Even after I transferred down to Kanab Elementary the next year, she still made the effort to travel the 23 miles to assist when ever I needed it, or when she could. She has made bulletin boards, decorated my room for my birthday, and been great to the students I have taught. She has also brought down our children for me to see at work. I really like those children of mine!
My children are young, but they have always been excited to come and see me and my students. Obviously, while I am teaching, my ability to be "dad" is a bit limited, but I sneak in what I can. There are a couple reasons for this. Number one, my wife and children need to know that they are most important to me even at school. Number two, my students that I am teaching need a good example of family life. So when my family shows up, I make sure that for those few minutes (usually) my family gets a little attention. I am obviously on a tight schedule as a teacher, I have an employer who deserves a job well done, but I want my students to see healthy family relations. We are not a perfect family, but we are working at it. In my philosophy of education, I am not there only to teach math, language arts, science, and reading. I am also there to teach them healthy lifestyles and the benefits of good decisions. I, obviously, am not perfect, but I still want to instill the desire of an excellent future in their minds and hearts.
What is my point? Mostly that I couldn't do this alone, that Jenna and my family have been and continue to be so supportive of my teaching. Additionally, that I really, really want my students to know what is important along with everything else I am teaching them.


  1. Thanks for a great reminder that we teach many things besides the core. My grandson comes by the school every once in a while and the students love it. They love to hear stories about our lives and see that we are 'real' people. Remember when you saw your teacher at the store or mall and couldn't believe it?! These elementary kids are awesome!

  2. Lisa,
    Thank you for your comments! I love that my students are so interested in my life. It helps me to try harder to be a good example for them. I still love it when I run into an old teacher, especially elementary, I always want to impress them. I think that means they were good to me. I think some of the students I have taught must feel that way a bit also.
    I bet your students love your grandson. Mine always love visits from my family.
